
We have a SPECIAL NEED and ask that you fervently pray with us about it. We try not to do this much, but Alisha is having her second baby in Uganda in April. She has asked desperately if we will try to get “Grammy” there for this event. We are praying.

We ask that you PRAY with us and seek the Lord whether He would have you give a special 1 time gift for this specific need. If you are unable to give, or do not feel led to help, PLEASE PRAY with us that God will touch the hearts of those He wants to share in this blessed gift!

International Airfare                  $1,697.10
Baggage Fees (3 bags)                  300.00
Food & Travel for 6 weeks           800.00
Total $ Need:                             $2,797.10

Your partnership and prayers are absolutely invaluable to us! Thanks and Blessings to each of you.

A New Year at New Day

Jesus said of Himself... "And I, when I am lifted up from
the earth, will draw all people to Myself. He said this to
show by what kind of death He was going to die..."
(John 12:32-33)

So, Jesus was speaking of His death--His sacrificial death on our behalf! And 
amazingly enough, there is an eternal principle here. When Jesus is lifted up
in our hearts, in our lives, in our homes, on the job, in our churches... 
wherever He is lifted up, He will draw all people to Himself. What an incredible
promise. So, that begs a question... AM I LIFTING UP JESUS IN MY LIFE? 
Good question!

The Lord absolutely gave a special blessing and gift to New Day Fellowship in 
St Regis on the final Sunday of January--4 souls made a personal commitment 
to surrender their lives to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Four! God alone 
receives all the glory! What a joy to witness this change of heart for one teenaged 
girl, a young 20 year old man, a middle aged lady, and a senior adult lady. 
The Lord is due all the praise!

Once a person surrenders to Christ at New Day Fellowship, we take them through
an important foundational study in the Book of John. Our tool is a 4-week, simple
study to establish any new believer in the truths of God's Word. This is in process 
for 3 of the 4 and we are trying to schedule the fourth for this spiritual nourishment.
Please pray that each one will be established in the Word of God and follow through
with baptism and obedience in their daily lives.

Please pray that each family member of New Day Fellowship will LIFT UP JESUS
every day of our lives.